Monday, 7 April 2014

Concerning Dragons and Other Mythical Creatures

An Introduction

So I've started a new blog for all my creative needs. I tend to start a lot of projects and not all of them get finished because I have a very short attention span, so I'm hoping that by keeping a blog of my progress along with the tutorials that I'm following I'll be a little more motivated to finish the things I start.

I mostly craft for massively geeky reasons - I make dice bags for tabletop roleplay, kit for my larp character and gifts for other geeky friends or family. As you can probably guess from the blog name, I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones and not-very-secretly want to be the mother of dragons when I grow up.. preferably the mother of dragons that Doctor Who wants to take on adventures with him (because Ancient Greece needs more dragons) But enough of introduction and on to the blog itself.

A Beginning

First of all a confession. I already have 3 projects on the go and none of them are looking likely to attract my attention any time soon. I have a dress that was really tight at the bottom so I've added panels to it from the waist. But this was before I had a sewing machine and I got bored of hand stitching such long seams. It's sat at the bottom of the stairs hoping for a second chance - it will only take 10 minutes so I should really give it that chance.

The second project is a knitted hood from this tutorial. It looks very warm and I was really looking forward to having an awesome hood for the winter.. but then I bought a sewing machine and in one weekend made myself a gypsy coat out of charity shop jumpers and the poor hood has been sat looking folorn at me ever since.

The third project was possibly a little bit overambitious. Having only ever succeeded in one machine sewing project (the previously mentioned gypsy coat), I decided that I wanted to make a frock coat for my beloved. So I gathered the materials for a mock up and a pattern from Simplicity (Simplicity 4083 to be exact) and I cut out *all* the pieces and cut them out and stitched all the top parts together on my shiny new machine.. and then there were sleeves. Some kind of torture devices sent to seamstresses to test their resolve and having sort of attached one with a deal of wrinkling and what I'll call "gathers", I lost the desire to do the next one. That one will probably get finished soon but I'm not sure I'll be making one out of expensive material until I've had more experience of sleeve-wrangling.

But none of these unfinished projects are as exciting as the one I'm about to embark on! Today I bought scales and jump rings and flat nosed pliers and as soon as they arrive I shall regale you with stories of my very first jewellery project!

1 comment:

  1. We can look at sleeves at the weekend - they aren't so bad once you wrap your mind around them.
